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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ways To Be A 5 Minute Superhero...

Here are just a Few ways you can be a 5-minute superhero.  Please post any ideas you have as well.
Smile at someone.
Donate - time, goods you aren't using, etc.
Advocate - find a cause you can support and support it.
Hug someone (with their permission of course)
Learn something new - or teach someone else something new...
Use kind words
Get active
Breathe - deep breathing exhilarates and works wonders on your mood!
Encourage chivalry (and whatever the female equivalent is lol)
Believe - find something to believe in, and stand up for it.
Reduce waste
Tutor someone
Increase/Encourage integrity
Compliment someone (sincerely)
Encourage others
Hope you found that helpful.  These are now on my 5-Minute Superhero cards that I'll be handing out. X*)

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